DOD Central Contractor Registration Codes
Patti Landers 03 Apr 1997 17:15 EST
I had a difficult time in finding SIC and PSC Codes applicable to
universities from the pick list provided on the world wide web site at
A very nice government worker at the toll-free help line looked them up for
me. I thought I would share them with others who are completing this
registration process.
SIC Code: 8221 - Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
PSC Codes:
U001 - Lectures for Training
U002 - Personnel Testing
U003 - Reserve Training - Military
U004 - Scientific and Management Education
U005 - Tuition/Registration/Membership Fees
U006 - Vocational-Technical Training
U007 - Faculty Salaries Dependent Schooling
U008 - Training/Curriculum Development
U009 - Education
U010 - Certification & Accreditations for Education
U011 - AIDS Training
U012 - Information Training
U099 - Other Education & Training Services
FSC Codes are not required for universities
Patti Landers, Ph.D., Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
120 Ozark Hall University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701
PHONE: (501) 575-3845 FAX: (501) 575-3846