Online Workshop Elaine M. Lilly 26 Mar 1997 19:56 EST

I have saved a brief news item about a distance-learning Grant Writing
Workshop at last fall at St. Thomas Aquinas College (NY) as a touchstone
for the design of a self-paced grantwriting workshop for our own
faculty.  The January term workshop format I've developed is a useful
and successful model here, but I'd like to offer a similar opportunity
online that would be available to faculty over the course of a summer as
their schedule permits.

It's time for me to get serious about developing this idea and I'd like
to hear from colleagues who may have established a similar "online
workshop."  What works and what doesn't? What are the strengths and
pitfalls of a self-paced approach as opposed to the standard workshop
(do faculty mirror the standard student responses to the distance
learning experience)? Do you have a means of connecting new writers to
each other? Have there been workshops or roundtables at conferences on
this topic?

I will greatly appreciate advice and imparted wisdom!

 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Elaine M. Lilly, Ph.D. ** Faculty Grants Coordinator
*** University of St. Thomas   ****   Mail #5045 ***
** 2115 Summit Avenue **** St. Paul MN 55105-1096 **
(612) 962-6038 * FAX 962-5406 *