NC SRA salberts@xxxxxx 14 Mar 1997 09:56 EST

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 09:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: NCSRA
MIME-version: 1.0
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN

 To: North Carolina research administrators planning to attend the NC
 Society of Research Administrators Conference, Building Linkages for
 the Future, on March 24 and 25 at Wake Forest University, Winston

 The North Carolina Chapter of SRA is a new organization. This
 conference, the Chapter's first event, was designed to provide a forum
 for networking and resource sharing among NC colleges and

 There will be a session at the conference designed specifically for an
 exchange of resources, called "What's Mine Might Be Yours." If you
 plan to attend the conference, we encourage you to think about what
 you might have to offer. Have you developed training manuals for your
 staff? Do you know of any excellent speakers on grantsmanship or
 technical writing. Have you created any newsletters, databases,
 effective workshops? Do you know of a particularly helpful web site?
 Please look over the materials on your shelves and on your computer to
 see if there is anything there which could help another research
 administrator. If so, let me know if you would like to participate in
 the resource sharing session in person or send materials. Conversely,
 if there something that you or your office need, let me know that,
 too, and we'll try to locate it for you.

 Please respond to me directly, rather than through the listserv.

     Lorna Hicks
     Office of Research Support, Duke University