Re: TIIAP -Reply Laura Mahoney 12 Mar 1997 08:53 EST

TIIAP stands for Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure
Assistance Program.  This is a grant program through the U.S.
Department of Commerce which supports innovative and practical
projects that extend the benefits of advanced telecommunications and
information technology to rural and under-served Americans.

The announcement for this years funding round appears in the Monday,
January 27 Federal Register, Vol. 62, No. 17.

Laura Mahoney
Grant/Contract Specialist
Office of Sponsored Projects
Smithsonian Institution

>>> <> 03/11/97 06:28pm >>>
Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:
> Please, when posting to the list, EXPLAIN the acronyms the first time
> are used. That way, the unwashed masses, like myself,  may know
what TIIAP
> and other arcane symbols stand for and be enlightened evermore.
> Chris