American Chemical Society
Martha M. Taylor 12 Mar 1997 10:25 EST
For those Institutions who have accepted funding from the American Chemical
Society - Petroleum Research Fund, how have you reconciled the intellectual
property issues? The award from the American Chemical Society
incorporates the Trust agreement from 1944 that established the Petroleum
Research Fund. That Trust agreement basically states that the fund has a
charitable mission/purpose and that all developed with their funds must be
given to the public free and clear. It doesn't say that you can't patent
but it says that any patent issued as a result of the research (this can be
years in the future with other sources paying a portion) must immediately
be given over to the public royalty free. We have an award pending that we
may not accept. Your comments and advice are welcome. Thanks.
Martha M. Taylor, Director (334) 844-4438
Contracts and Grants Administration FAX (334) 844-5953
307 Samford Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5131