(no subject) Diane Lee Mackys 07 Mar 1997 16:30 EST

Northwestern University is in the process of changing its equipment
capitalization rate from $500 to $5,000.  I am interested in learning:

Which Institutions have increased their equipment capitalization to the
maximum $5,000 level and any "challenges"you had during the conversion process?

Which Institutions considered the $5,000 level and decided against it and
why?  Which level is your Institution now using?

Which Institutions are now currently considering changing to the $5,000
level and Which issues are you dealing with?

All information will be greatly appreciated.

 Di  Mackys

DI MACKYS                                       e-mail: xxxxxx@nwu.edu
Asst. Director of Cost Analysis                 voice:  (847) 491-4285
Northwestern University                         fax:    (847) 467-2451
619 Clark Street Room 120
Evanston, Illinois   60208