Re: Visiting Scholars on J-1 Visas Carol Sottosanti 21 Feb 1997 15:34 EST

Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:
> Has anyone else had the following problem, and if so how did you solve
> it?--
> A visiting scholar is invited to come to the institution to work on a
> research grant.  But your Affirmative Action Officer requires that the
> hiring process be conducted according to the normal routine whereby a
> pool of applicants is selected from.  Only in this case you don't have
> a pool!  You seem to be stuck between IRS rules for treating people as
> "employees" and paying them wages (as opposed to giving them a
> stipend) and affirmative action rules.
> *****************************************
> William Sellers, Director
> Research and Sponsored Programs
> Wright State University
> 3460 Col. Glenn Hwy., 122 Allyn
> Dayton, OH  45435
> 937-775-2709 (voice)/937-775-3781 (fax)
> *****************************************
We have had several problems with this.  Please contact me if you wish
to discuss.
     Carol Sottosanti-Lehigh University