Re: Cost-sharing Volunteer Services
Don O'Shea 20 Jan 1997 23:01 EST
> I have some questions about budgets that include volunteer time of the PI
> (summer salary "earned" but not requested) as part of the required match on
> a federal grant.
> Is this a common practice?
We do it when we feel PI cannot get full summer salary
Can the institution claim the indirect costs to
> which we would have been entitled had that person been paid as an "in-kind"
> match?
I never thought of this, but I would highly doubt it -- usually
one takes less salary to keep the cost of the grant down and
make it more attractive to funding agency, Adding overhead
defeats this goal.
Is the same time and effort reporting system used for paid summer
> salary sufficient documentation for auditors?
If the donated time is listed explicitly as a match on budget
sheet, then we track it by same time and effort
reporting mechanism for regular grants -- otherwise
we don't bother.
> If people respond to me directly I'll post a summary to the list.
> Franci Farnsworth
> Frances Vinal Farnsworth
> Coordinator of Sponsored Research
> Grants Office - Forest Hall
> Middlebury College
> Middlebury, VT 05753
> Tel: 802-443-5889
> Fax: 802-443-2083
> email: