Misconduct in Research Committees Caskey, William 17 Jan 1997 09:10 EST

I agree with using a less confrontational or accusatory name and have
leaned toward "Ethics in Research Committee". But, the policies I've
written have never been for a standing committee, but rather an ad hoc
committee for a particular instance. Incidentally, I use the same
committee designation, etc. in our Investigator Significant Financial
Interest (conflict of interest) policy with only slight differences. In
both cases, I think the name is more positive and implies fostering good
ethics in research issues.

* Bill Caskey                                  *
* Director, Research & Grants Administration   *
* The Children's Mercy Hospital                *
* 2401 Gillham Road                            *
* Kansas City, MO  64108                       *
* Voice:        (816) 234-3879                 *
* Fax:          (816) 855-1982                 *
* E-mail:       xxxxxx@cmh.edu                *