New listserv for Consultants
Andrew J. Grant 16 Jan 1997 16:37 EST
I'm cross posting this to four lists as well as sending it directly to people
who have expressed interest.
We have just initiated a brand new listserv for fund raising/grants
consultants. A while back, there was a question posed on CFRNET to determine
if there was enough interest to warrant a separate list for this group. We
found that there are many issues about the business end of consulting to non
profits that we wanted to discuss, but that would not be especially pertinent
to professionals working in institutional environments.
The new list is CONSULT-L. It is for anyone with an interest in consulting,
either because they do it either full or part time or because they may be
thinking about offering their services as a consultant. It may also be of
interest to institutions considering using consultants. How to evaluate
consultants and how to work with them are questions that will provide
stimulating discussion. It will, however, NOT be a list through which business
is solicited.
I am especially interested in hearing from newcomers. They will have many
potential mentors on the list.
People can join by sending a message to xxxxxx@JTSA.EDU. The message should
SUB CONSULT-L yourfirstname yourlastname
We describe the list as follows:
Listserve for fund raising consultants or those persons interested in
consulting. The purpose of CONSULT-L is to discuss issues related to
philanthropy and its associated services. The list is open to
independent consultants as well as those employed by firms. Points of
discussion may include such business aspects of consulting to
nonprofit organizations as marketing, client/consultant relations,
fees and collection, ethics, standards, strategies and resources.
Although some discussions about philanthropy in general will take
place, these issues are covered adequately by other lists.
I hope to see many of you on CONSULT-L.
Andrew J. Grant, Ph.D.
Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations
The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
3080 Broadway, New York, New York 10027
Voice: (212) 678-8934; FAX: (212) 678-8941
E-mail: (Andrew J. Grant)
Date: 1/16/97
Time: 10:22:25 AM