documented PI unique responsibilities
Ann Leipprandt 16 Jan 1997 15:48 EST
Fellow Research Administrators_
I am looking for any information regarding the unique role and
responsibilites of a PI in relation to funder, university, and/or other
members of the research team, for support to resolve a conflict between a
PI and another member of the research team. Ideally we would like to know
of any references published in the public domaine (ie. NIH, PHS, etc.).
I am looking for a quick turn around on this, please email me directly at
Ann M. Leipprandt, Administrative Assistant III
Office of Medical Education Research & Development
and the Program in Epidemiology
Michigan State University
A217 East Fee Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1316
Phone: (517)353-7791
FAX: (517) 353-8926