Support for Publishing Book on Sacred Polyphonic Works of Mateo Romero Eric Zimmerman 06 Jan 1997 11:12 EST

I am looking for a suitable funding agency to assist in the publishing
of a critical edition of the sacred works of Maestro Capitan, d. 1647.

A serious publisher in the States has expressed interest in publishing
the three volume edition. What is needed is about $20,000 to prepare the
entire material on a computer (FINALE). It is currently in old
notational format.

Do you know of a suitable funding agency?
   Eric Zimmerman ** Research Grants Coordinator
   The Research Authority ** Bar-Ilan University
      Begin Building** Ramat Gan 52900 ISRAEL
   ++972-3/531-8403 (Tel) ++972-3/635-3277 (Fax)