Re: SMARTS -Reply Laura Mahoney 26 Dec 1996 08:57 EST

Generally yes.  In doing the pilot evaluation for InfoEd, generally the
feedback I received was positive.  As always, there are those who don't
like the system because they have received alot of information that
doesn't quite fit.  This happened in SPIN too, so no system is perfect.  I've
attempted to resolve this issue by providing assistance with the selection
of keywords.  This seems to help in most all cases.  So in our view, the
problem is not with SMARTS, but getting people motivated to take 15-30
minutes out of their schedules to establish an account.

Laura Mahoney
Office of Sponsored Projects
Smithsonian Institution

>>> <> 12/24/96 01:00am >>>
We have recently opened a trial account, with only several researchers
availing themselves of this service. Sounds familiar. I was wondering
what the reaction of the subscribed researchers is. Does your feedback
indicate that your institution researchers are satisfied with the
fund-researcher match system?
   Eric Zimmerman ** Research Grants Coordinator
   The Research Authority ** Bar-Ilan University
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