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At Duke, we pay NRSA recipients through our "fellowship" or "monthly
withholding exempt" payroll. This is also the payroll for graduate
students on training grants, where there is also clearly no
employer-employee relationship. There are no fringe benefits charged
on this system, but despite the name, taxes are withheld.
Susan Alberts xxxxxx@mail01.adm.duke.edu
Director, Office of Research Support Voice: 919-684-3030
Duke University, Box 90077 Fax: 919-684-2418
Durham, NC 27708-0077
URL: http://delphi.mis.duke.edu/ors/start.html
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: NRSA Stipends
Author: xxxxxx@health.state.ny.us at Internet
Date: 12/19/96 4:00 PM
I am looking for information related to the payment of post doc stipends
under the NRSA awards. According to the guidelines published in the
NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts Vol. 25, No. 31, 9/20/96, "NRSA
fellows are not considered to be in an employee-employer relationship
with NIH or with the institution in which they are pursuing research
training" and I have confirmed with NIH that these are definitely not to be
considered employees.
How are institutions processing the payment of these stipends?
Through payroll? Accounts Payable?
Any guidance would be appreciated.
Deborah Moon
Manager, Research Grants & Contracts
Allegheny-Singer Research Institute
Phone (412) 359-1527
E-mail: xxxxxx@asri.edu
--Boundary (ID 7jKHVuKb3j3gFoIUppdElQ)
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Received: by mc.duke.edu; Thu, 19 Dec 1996 17:33:51 -0500 (EST)
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Received: by gate1.health.state.ny.us; Thu, 19 Dec 1996 17:24:58 -0500
Received: by gate1.health.state.ny.us; Thu, 19 Dec 1996 17:24:58 -0500
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 16:00:50 -0500
From: Research Administration Discussion Group <xxxxxx@health.state.ny.us>
Subject: NRSA Stipends
Sender: Research Administration Discussion Group <xxxxxx@health.state.ny.us>
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L <xxxxxx@health.state.ny.us>
Reply-to: Research Administration Discussion Group <xxxxxx@health.state.ny.us>
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X-From: Deb Moon <xxxxxx@ASRI.EDU>
X-To: xxxxxx@albnydh2.health.state.ny.us
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