Re: NRSA Stipends Paul Parker 20 Dec 1996 05:02 EST

 At State University of New York, Binghamton (through our administrative
unit, the Research Foundation of SUNY) we do pay as "stipends" - however
our stipend process is through our payroll, for tax purposes.  So we do not
create an employer-employee relationship, they are issued a 1099, paid on a
biweekly basis.  If you'd like additional information please feel free to
contact me.

 Paul Parker

>I am looking for information related to the payment of post doc stipends
>under the NRSA awards.  According to the guidelines published in the
>NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts Vol. 25, No. 31, 9/20/96,  "NRSA
>fellows are not considered to be in an employee-employer relationship
>with NIH or with the institution in which they are pursuing research
>training" and I have confirmed with NIH that these are definitely not to be
>considered employees.
>How are institutions processing the payment of these stipends?
>Through payroll?  Accounts Payable?
>Any guidance would be appreciated.
>Deborah Moon
>Manager, Research Grants & Contracts
>Allegheny-Singer Research Institute
>Phone (412) 359-1527

Paul C. Parker, Director
Sponsored Funds Administration
State University of New York
Binghamton NY  13902-6000
ph (607-777-6752)  fax (607-777-4354)