Re: Combined Pre & Post Award Offices Terence McElwee 19 Dec 1996 09:53 EST

At 11:06 AM 12/18/96 -0600, you wrote:
>We are working to combine pre and post-award into one office.
>What have you found to be the strengths of a combined pre/post-award office?
>Also for those with combined offices who signs as the authorized certifying

At Marquette, we've always had a combined office. I think there are several

1. It leads to constant, ongoing relationships with faculty so there are
more       opportunities to interact.
2. It's economical.
3. One stop shopping is easy for faculty (we include technology transfer also)
4. Less likely for unresolved issues to "fall in the cracks".

As a result, we know our investigators much better than we would otherwise.
Ours is an eight person office with $11 million in external funding.

Terence P. McElwee
Assistant Director
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Marquette University
PO Box 1881
Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
414-288-1578 (fax)