Re: Project No. & Proposal No.
Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. 13 Dec 1996 09:42 EST
We do approximately the same thing as Marsha. Our Proposal and IRB
databases are in the process of being linked so that if proposal # shows in
the IRB database, it will show in the Proposal DB. In addition we ask
for the sponsor in IRB applications and continuing review reports, so if a
sponsor shows up, we can easily find the corresponding proposal record
(useful because PI's are not very good at keeping up with proposal and
IRB #s).
Usually when a grant proposal is submitted, an IRB # has not been assigned
yet (though we may change that), and often when an IRB application is made,
external support is still being sought. so an alternate means of linking
records in the two databases is important.
Integrating compliance (IACUC, IRB, Radiosafety and Biohazard databases)
with the proposal tracking database is well worth doing, though the
fragmentation of functions and level of IT support on many campuses makes
it difficult. There are some integrated commercial packages out there.
> Our IRB protocols have a separate numbering system from our proposals;
> however, when a proposal is submitted to an agency, we have a route
> sheet that must circulate in the appropriate offices then eventually
> comes to me for processing in our database. Because I process both
> the protocols and the proposals, I am aware of when a human subject
> protocol is required and can track to make sure a protocol has been
> submitted/approved. The proposal file isn't filed away until the
> protocol is received. The protocol number is written on the route
> sheet in the proposal file and the proposal number is written on the
> cover sheet in the protocol file. Therefore, there's no searching for
> it when needed.
> Marsha Green
> IRB Secretary/
> Sponsored Programs Coordinator
> University of Nevada, Las Vegas
> PS: Who are you? Please identify yourself when writing to the
> discussion group. It's nice to get to know others on the list.
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: Project No. & Proposal No.
>Author: Research Administration Discussion Group
><> at SMTP-UNS
>Date: 12/12/96 3:55 PM
>I would like to know if anyone has developed a system to link the IRB and/or
>IACUC project approval number(s) with the grant proposal number. We recently
>had a case in which the title of the IRB project and the title of the grant
>proposal were different and we had to do soem in depth, paper-file hunting to
>discover the link. Part of the difficulty arises from the requirements fo
>different agencies with regard to approval (ranging from "needs approval prior
>to applying for the grant" to "needs approval within 90 days of receiving
>funding approval").
* Charles E. Graham, PhD., DSc. xxxxxx@UNIX1.SNCC.LSU.EDU
* Director, Office of Sponsored Research/OSR
* Interim Chair, Institutional Review Board
* 117 David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
* Baton Rouge, LA 70810
* 504-388-8692 FAX: 503-388-6792
* OSR Server: gopher: