At 08:57 AM 12/6/96 -0800, you wrote:
>Charna and others,
>Is Community of Science as good with training and service grant programs
>as it is with research?
>Does it include a lot of private sources as well as federal?
>What disciplines are served well; which are not?
>How does is compare with SPIN/InfoEd or IRIS?
>We are ready to pilot options, but would love to hear input with those
>with experience using any of these systems.
>Janet Hahn
>Director, Research & Sponsored Programs
>Radford University
>Radford, VA 24142-6926
>Janet Hahn
I have been using the InfoEd SPIN and SPAS databases for about three years
now. We have the system networked on our Novell file server so that the
whole office can access it from their desk top. The faculty database is
highly integrated with the funding database. As of January 1, we are going
to their SMARTS system that notifies PIs by e-mail on a daily basis.
I love the system and the people at InfoEd. No, they are not perfect. Yes,
we had a few minor glitches getting started. But, they answer their phones.
They return calls. They have some very talented people doing tech support
who are gracious about putting up with stupid questions from users. (A
stupid question is one that has already been asked, and answered, twice. <grin>)
Highly, highly, recommended.
Chris W. Syphers Phone: 501-575-3845
Office of Fax: 501-575-3846
Research & Sponsored Programs E-mail:
120 Ozark Hall WWW:
Fayetteville, AR 72701