Faculty Workshop SUZANNE LIBERTY 02 Dec 1996 09:05 EST

To: Research List Serve Members

We are planning a faculty workshop for early January. The workshop
will focus on such topics as identifying sources of funding (various
search mechanisms we have), successful proposal writing tips,
corporate funding, and Federal funding opportunities. We are thinking
of a 2 1/2 hour workshop involving a couple of our successful
faculty and our office staff.

If your office has sponsored such workshops (internally without
hiring external consultants), would you provide suggestions for
format or content?

Thanks for your ideas.

Suzanne Liberty
Dean of the Graduate School
Director of Research
Clarkson University
Potsdam, NY 13699-5625
FAX 315-268-7994
E-mail: xxxxxx@Diablo.adm.clarkson.edu