>This is an open invitation to all SRA Southern Section members to suggest
>topics for concurrent sessions at the Clearwater meeting....love to hear
>from you.
>Julie B. Cole, CRA
>Director, Research and Sponsored Programs
>P.O. Box 7528, Reynolda Station
>Wake Forest University
>Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109
>(910) 759-5888
>(910) 759-1959 FAX (note new fax #)
>Pamela B. Whitlock
>Director, Office of Research Administration
>601 S College Road
>Wilminton, NC 28403-3297
>(910)962-3167 voice
>(910)962-4011 fax
Dear Julie,
While we get really big overviews on NIH re-invention activities at the
National and big overviews at the regional meetings, I do not recall a
session which communicates how different types of universities are
responding to the changes related to NIH reinvention. For example, what
infra-structures and changes, if any are needed to support faculty in
responding to modular budgets and ensure compliance with cost accounting
standards? Or is there no relationship between these? It is really
important and appreciated that the federal agencies share with us the
changes that are forthcoming. So, I think it would be great to hear how we,
as universities, are changing to meet the re-invention challenges put upon
us by external forces. (In this case, I do not necessarily mean how we
re-invent our own departments and institutions as this is a different matter.)
Perhaps a panel of 6 or 7 representative types of schools responding to
questions on what their particular institution has done with policy and
regulatory changes would be interesting. What do you think?
Sandra Mann
Assistant Director for University Research
University of Florida
219 Grinter Hall
Gainesville, Florida 32611