"Ethical Issues in Scientific Research" is a video produced in 1992
by the Research Triangle Park Club of Sigma Xi, P.O.Box 13416,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. It runs about one hour and covers
authorship of resarch articles, peer review and abuse of privileged
information, data handling and bias in reporting, social
responsibility and control of the uses of research, scientific fraud
and standards for monitoring of data recording and reporting research
to the public.
A publication that looks good (I admit I only skimmed it) is
"Teaching Research Ethics." This one is case studies from a workshop
at Indiana University in 1995. Contact is listed as Kenneth D.
Pimple, Ph.D., Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American
Institutions, 410 North Park Avenue, Indiana Univesity, Bloomington,
Indiana, 47405. Tel: (812) 855-0261 FAX: (812) 855-3315.
Catharine Crea
New York Medical College