Re: unfundable proposals Mary Watson 19 Nov 1996 17:54 EST

Answer to your query - YES to all.

I am as honest as I can be without being brutal.

I suggest re-writes, new sources, etc., etc.  However, if after all that the
 writer insists that the proposal is perfect and headed for the right spot, I
 will proces it, send a note to him/her indicating my suggestions for changes
 and let it fly (or die).  Guess what - I am as often wrong as I am right (and
 the stinkers do get funded on occasion!)  -  SO WHO CAN TELL.


>A philosophical query: what do you do when a faculty/staff person brings you a
>proposal which you are virtually certain will not be funded?  Maybe it's a
>not-very-good proposal headed for stiff competition, maybe it's a good proposal
>headed for the wrong place, maybe it's an okay proposal a year or two behind
>its time.
>In any case, how honest are you with the writer?  Do you propose alterations,
>maybe offer to edit/rewrite yourself?  Do you offer to search for other, more
>likely, sources of funding?  How do you avoid causing terminal discouragement?
>Bill Campbell
>Director, Grants & Research
>University of Wisconsin-River Falls

Mary H. Watson, Ph.D                                Phone: 912-333-7837
Director, Grants and Contracts                       Fax:  912-245-3853
Valdosta State University                            Co-Owner, Grants-L
Valdosta   GA   31698                                 Owner,  VSUTITLE4
