Re: NSF Fastlane System Barbara Gray 14 Nov 1996 09:18 EST

We're a very new user of FastLane (like a month or so).  We deleted all
those "old guys/gals"--took our grad assistant only a couple of hours a day
for a few days.  He also checked phone numbers and added email addresses and
made sure everything else was correct.  But we didn't think about pros and
cons before doing the deleting.  I'm just obsessive-compulsive about keeping
databases cleaned up.  I don't have paper records that old in my office
(they went to the "black hole" in the archives long ago, if they indeed ever
existed in the Sponsored Programs Office in the first place) so I see no
reason why keeping these folks on our FastLane database of PIs would be

At 03:18 PM 11/13/96 -0500, you wrote:
>A question for any of you who've been using this system for awhile...
>NSF pre-loads the system with the names of all PI's from your institution
>who have ever submitted proposals.  What are the pro's and con's of
>cleaning up that list by deleting the names of those faculty members who
>have died, retired, or otherwise moved on and aren't expected back?
>My first instinct was to delete all those names -- but once done they would
>be hard to retrieve.  So I'm looking for advice from the more
>Frances Vinal Farnsworth
>Coordinator of Sponsored Research
>Grants Office - Forest Hall
>Middlebury College
>Middlebury, VT  05753
>Tel:  802-443-5889
>Fax:  802-443-2083

Barbara H. Gray                           Telephone:  803-953-5673
Director of Sponsored Programs            FAX:        803-953-6577
University of Charleston, SC              e-mail:
Charleston, South Carolina  29424