Re: Cooperative Agreements with the US Forest Service
Terry A. May 31 Oct 1996 10:45 EST
The USFS implements sponsored projects in MANY diferent ways and
accepts MANY different rates depending upon the office that is generating
the agreement. After much difficulty I finally was able to get a handout
that listed the various funding mechanisms and the allowable IDC. The
following is a summary (my copy is in small print and hard to read, so I
believe, but cannot guarantee, that the citations are correct):
Challenge Cost-share Agreements (current appropriation act)
Allowable - no specific restrictions (we generally get 10% of TDC)
Grants (which almost never happen) (see FSM 1581.01a-u)
Allowable at negotiated rate
Cooperative Agreements (see FSM 1581.01a-u)
Unallowable for "State Cooperative Institutions" 7 U.S.C. 3103
Allowable - no specific restrictions for other institutions
Research Joint Venture Agreement (7 U.S.C. 3318(b))
Unallowable for "State Cooperative Institutions" (7 U.S.C. 3103)
10% limit if funded with USDA appropriation
Research Cost Reimbursement (7 USC 3319a)
Not to Exceed 10% of direct costs
Procurement Contract (41 USC 251-200)
Allowable at negotiated rate
Terry A. May, Ph.D. Voice: 520-523-6788
Director of Research Administration FAX: 520-523-1075
Office of Grant & Contract Services INTERNET:
100 Babbitt Admin. Ctr., Box 4130
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4130