A-110 Procurement Standards
Franci Farnsworth 29 Oct 1996 08:52 EST
I apologize for such a basic question but I need to know what the A-110
procurement standards (which are incorporated by reference into the NSF GPM
and I'm sure most other federal grant conditions) actually mean relative to
the majority of our "procurement transactions" (purchase of supplies and
small items of laboratory "equipment"). What about the requirement that
recipient make "positive efforts" to use small businesses and those owned
by minorities and women? Does the "small purchase threshhold" of $25K
mean we don't need to worry about those provisions except for a purchase
(or "procurement contract") of more than $25K? Has anyone done a FAQ
about the A-110 procurement standards?
Franci Farnsworth
Frances Vinal Farnsworth
Coordinator of Sponsored Research
Grants Office - Forest Hall
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05753
Tel: 802-443-5889
Fax: 802-443-2083
email: xxxxxx@mail.middlebury.edu