Attn: NCURA -- Region VII Judy Fredenberg 23 Oct 1996 11:42 EST

Hello to folks in Region VII!!

If you are from Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, or
Wyoming, this message is for you!

Once again, I'm looking for "old" NCURA members (e.g., veterans) to
volunteer to be "buddies" to new NCURA members who will be attending their
first national meeting in a couple weeks.  All this will entail is
contacting the new Region VII member by phone or email prior to the meeting
and arranging a time and place to meet them in DC.

Having a "buddy" gives the new member a contact to whom to direct questions
about attire, the hospitality suites, conference logistics, etc., AND
ensures that they'll find a friendly face from their region before the
meeting begins, someone who'll introduce them to other folks and make sure
they find their way to the regional hospitality suite and business meeting.

Please email me directly if you are an "old" NCURA member from Region VII
who is interested in being a buddy.



 Judy Fredenberg
 Research Administration, UH116          email:
 The University of Montana          
 Missoula, MT 59812              FTP:,  cd to: user/fred
 406-243-6670                                                 Fax: 406-243-6630

                            Happiness consists in activity --
                    it is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.