Re: Supplemental Pay Jack Mumma 09 Oct 1996 07:05 EST

When I was a contracting officer with ONR, I was always suspicious of=20
Extra Pay.  Most educational institutions treat faculty as essentially=20
exempt employees, reporting their in terms of percentage of effort=20
rather than hours.  It seemed inconsistent to then recognize someone=20
giving 110% effort (unless its a football team, which is a sore subject=20
round these parts). To put it another way, this is part of the price we=20
pay for the "relatively" simple labor reporting system A-21 allows.=20

Jack Mumma, JD
Construction Contract Administrator
Michigan State University
Contract & Grant Administration
301 Administration Building
East Lansing, Michigan  48824-1046

Phone =B7 517 353-4416 Fax =B7 517 353-9812
Web page =B7 WWW.CGA.MSU.EDU
E-mail =B7 xxxxxx@CGA.MSU.EDU=20

From:   Research Administration Discussion=20
Sent:   Monday, October 07, 1996 6:10 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject:        Supplemental Pay

Two or three weeks ago, someone posted a question regarding
supplemental salary payments to faculty during the academic year.  I
recall seeing just one response, but I was hoping to hear a bit more.

Is anyone willing to offer their thoughts, advice or policy on when
such payments are permitted?  What "test" do you apply when determing
whether to allow supplemental pay on federal (or federal flow though)

Does anyone link salary supplementation to their policy on faculty
consulting?   To those institutions that permit AY supplementation:  Do

you permit salary recovery at a rate in excess of the faculty member's
normal rate of pay?

Our Director has worked at three different universities and has seen
three very different policies in place.  We would appreciate a
discussion of this topic.

Victor Ramos
Assistant Director
Office of Grants and Sponsored Research
St. John's University, New York
Tel: 718-990-6762
Fax: 718-990-6020