Geri, you did not give your email address so I could not answer
directly. I suspect you're not looking at the other worksheets on
the Excel PHS 398. There are page tabs at the bottom left hand
corner which lead to the budget and checklist pages. I hope the
problem is that simple; if not, pardon my two cents.
> I've been surfing the web all morning looking for the NIH-398 budget forms
> for the PC preferably in Excel. Via TRAM, TEES, and others, I've found the
> cover page and other forms, but not the budget. Can someone help me on this?
> Thanks,
> Geri Walker
> Bureau for Faculty Research
> Western Washington University
Robert Aull
Research Administration (317)274-8664 {FAX-7499}
Indiana University/Department of Medicine
541 Clinical Drive (CL635) Indpls IN 46202-5111