Research Contract Publications Clause Wendy Beaver 24 Sep 1996 09:45 EST

 Our institution recently received from a private industry sponsor a
 draft research contract that included an unusual publications clause.
 The contract required us to provide any publications to the sponsor 90
 days in advance.  In addition, the contract gave the sponsor the right
 to rebut any proposed publications AND required us to print the
 sponsor's rebuttal with our publication.

 Have you seen research contracts that included the requirement to
 print a rebuttal?  Does/would your institution accept such a clause?
 If not, what arguments have you used for striking such clauses?

 Replies may be sent directly to me at the address below.  Thanks for
 any responses.

     *   Wendy L. Beaver                Internet or Bitnet:     *
     *   Assistant Director     *
     *   Sponsored Programs                                     *
     *   2 Gilmore Hall                 Phone:  319-335-2122    *
     *   The University of Iowa                                 *
     *   Iowa City, IA  52242           Fax:  319-335-2130      *