Faculty-owned Businesses Holly Snair 23 Sep 1996 21:39 EST

Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) is interested in hearing about
the types of business support services that other universities offer to
faculty who are interested in taking their products and services from
the research and development stage to the for-profit stage.

IUP operates a small business incubator and we are interested in knowing
what types of problematic issues we need to resolve before we allow our
faculty to utilize the services of the incubator (up to the point where
the faculty begin for-profit sales of their products and services.)

On a related issue, we would be interested in hearing how, or if,
universities do business with faculty-owned enterprises.

Please respond to the list or to me directly at the E-mail address
shown below.  Many thanks, in advance.....  Holly Snair
Holly Snair                             E-mail: xxxxxx@grove.IUP.edu
Indiana University of Pennsylvania      Phone:  (412) 357-2972
110 Stright Hall                        Fax:    (412) 357-7697
Indiana, PA  15701        http://www.IUP.edu/gradua/OGSR/index.htmlx