Re: Final technical reports Bill Caskey 03 Sep 1996 09:19 EST

I require a copy of the final technical report which is filed in the grant fold
er as part of the normal close out/termination procedure. Also, being a small i
nstitution, I often get involved in helping PIs prepare the reports; I usually
transmit them to the funding agency (if the PI wishes) since the University has
 placed postage funds (for all correspondence and submissions associated with e
xternal funding) in my office.

* Bill Caskey                             *
* Director, Sponsored Research & Projects *
* Central Missouri State University       *
* Warrensburg, MO  64093                  *
*    Voice:  (816) 543-4092               *
*      FAX:  (816) 543-8333               *
* InterNet:     *