Space Allocation Research
David D. Pinter 23 Aug 1996 16:50 EST
One starting point I recommend for information on space allocation in
biomedical research organizations is a document entitled "Space Planning and
Management in Academic Medical Centers - Issues, Models and Resources" by the
American Association of Medical Schools (April 1991, Editor - Janet Froom).
Janets' e-mail address is Please feel free to tell her I refered you to her for the
documents. Lots of experiences and resources between the covers. The document
was prepared jointly by the AAMC Group on Institutional Planning and the Group
on Business Affairs. A related document, "Strategies for Change in Medical
Schools and Teaching Hospitals" (November, 1993, AAMC) has major sections
devoted to Research Facilities and Equipment; Space Allocation and Management;
and Productivity Analysis. Both documents provide mini-case histories and
institutional contacts relating to space redevelopment, construction, and/or
space allocation. I would encourage you to call any of the contacts or authors
noted. They're all quite willing to share their experiences.
For many years Washington University has used an approach referenced as
the Resource Allocation Model System or RAMS (not to be confused with the
FIE/Federal Information Exchange's sponsor research product of similar name).
The RAMS approach blends a variety of financial and productivity measures with
space (square footage as the metric). While local circumstances usually
dictate how space allocation decision are made, the type of information used in
the Washington Univesity approach give the dicussion a quanitative flavor. Tom
Sondergregger is one of the key people in this arena at Washington University.
Thomas Higerd (in the Dean' Office) at the Medical University of South
Carolina and David O'Brien (Director of Facilities Planning) at Stanford
University Medical School are also terrific resources with regard to data
and methods in space allocation and productivity analysis.
At Baylor College of Medicine, the Office of Research plays a key role in
research space issues and discussions. In concert with our Physical Plant
office we're bringing together infromation on specific space assigned (by
location and square footage) with the number and amount of grants. These
provide the building blocks to begin comparing departmental productivity.
Questions of allocation of space in an almost completed research building, have
been addressed to a committee of senior faculty members chaired by the VP and
Dean for Research. The issues dealt with by a group of this nature are usually
broad policy not specific as may be the case in reallocation or modification to
existing assignment.
My personal observations from looking at several medical schools are
that space decisions are best made by a central figure at arms length from the
Dean or President....define a space czar and support them with data and perhaps
a very small committee of senior faculty. Report broadly and often the
distribution of space and productivity in an effort to dispell fiction and
mythology from the facts. Share data openly.
Difficult issue. Good luck.
David D. Pinter
Executive Director, Office of Research and
Special Assistant for Institutional Planning,
Office of the President
Baylor College of Medicine
Office of Research, Room S103
One Baylor Plaza
Houston, TX 77030
Voice: (713) 798-6970 or 798-4430
FAX: (713) 798-6990
>>At 05:31 PM 8/16/96 -0400, Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:
>>*|A number of space related issues have become apparent as Portland State is
>>*|successful in bringing in additional research activity. I would appreciate
>>*|hearing from
>>*|coleagues around the following issues:
>>*|How is space allocated for research projects, especially what is the
>>*|for reassignment of space?
>>*|Are there policies or principles governing the allocation of space?
>>*|What role does the research office play in implementing policies or
>>*|reassigning space?
>>*|Thanks in advance for all assistance / advice
>>*|Bill Feyerherm, Associate Vice Provost for Research and Sponsored Projects
>>*|Portland State University