Fringe Benefit Rate -Reply PATTY SPEAR 21 Aug 1996 18:21 EST

We use a calculated rate (based on the benefits we currently offer),
then invoice for actual costs (which are never higher than the calculated
rate in the budget, and are usually lower).  If you think your benefits are
going to increase, you could use a higher rate and justify it in your
proposals, while also mentioning that you invoice only the actual  costs.

>>> Research Administration Discussion Group
<> 08/21/96 12:49pm >>>
While managing Federally Sponsored Programs how do you invoice for
the fringe rate?  In other words do you use a budgeted number, and
adjust for actual as soon as practical?   How do you plan for a potential
swing in the fringe rate that could place your grant either over or under
budget at the end of the grant period?

Any advice would be helpful.

Ron Polizzi

Ronald F. Polizzi                     Internet:
Director, Grants Management                  Voice: (609) 342-3130
Cooper Hospital/UMC                            Fax: (609) 541-4762
One Cooper Plaza
Camden, NJ 08103