Trouble-Shooting Problems with RESADM-L EAM01@xxxxxx 21 Aug 1996 11:38 EST

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Trouble-Shooting Problems with LISTS
Prepared by Elizabeth Mazzella, Health Research Inc.
Redistribute freely

 Many lists are extremely active (at least the good ones are).
 Managing a list is time consuming for the listowner; therefore
 helping individual subscribers with problems is generally not
 possible.   Often, the best way to get help when you are having a
 problem with your subscription or in posting mail to the list, is to
 help yourself.  Here are problems and their likely causes and
 possible solutions.

 COMMON PROBLEM #1:    You can't tell if your message got through to
 the list.
 LIKELY CAUSE:  Your subscription is not set to send you
 copies of your own posts.
 SOLUTION:    Send the command  Query list-id (for example,
 (xxxxxx@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US)  If your subscription
 parameter comes back NOREPRO or Repro = NO, send the
 following command to the LISTSERV--

 COMMON PROBLEM #2:  You receive mail regularly, but
 when  you try to post to the list, you receive a cryptic rejection
 message saying something like "you are not authorized to send mail
 to LIST-ID from your address."
 LIKELY CAUSE:  Your e-mail address has changed since you first
 subscribed to the LIST.  Your mail is probably being forwarded to you
 from your old address, so your incoming mail from the list is not affected.
 lists will not accept postings from anyone who is not subscribed--as far as
 server is concerned if the e-mail address doesn't exactly match one in the
 subscriber file, you are an intruder, an  interloper, the worst possible
 type of scum.
 where your list resides.  Find yourself in the list and see what address you a
 subscribed from.   You may need help from the your local e-mail
 administrator or from the listowner if you are still subscribed under your old
 address -- since the server will not recognize mail from your new address.
 The best way to avoid this problem:  if your e-mail address is going to
 change, unsubscribe while your address is still active then resubscribe when
 your new address becomes active.

 COMMON PROBLEM #3: You are receiving two copies of every posting from the list
 LIKELY CAUSE:  You had common problem #2 and re-subscribed from
 your new address so now list postings are being forwarded from your old
 address and are being sent directly to your new address.
 SOLUTION:  Send a REVIEW command (see common problem #2).  Find
 both (or all)  your subscriptions and send the listowner a note asking him/her
 to remove your old subscription--provide the exact email address of the
 subscription you want removed.  If you are working with a MAJORDOMO
 server package, simply send the UNSUB LIST-ID command followed by your
 old e-mail address.

 COMMON PROBLEM # 4:  You suddenly stop getting mail from a usually active list
 LIKELY CAUSE:  You have been bounced from the list--probably by the
 listowner.  If your subscription generates numerous errors (your local mail
 server is down, so the listowner receives notices for each list message that
 not delivered, or  perhaps you have gone on vacation and your mailbox has
 filled and mail is being returned to the list as undeliverable) chances are t
 any busy listowner will bounce you off the list.  (On RESADM-L, for
 example, it's three strikes you're out).
 SOLUTION:  Send a REVIEW command (see common problem #2), see if
 you are listed as a subscriber.  If not, re-subscribe.   The best way to
 avoid this problem is to SET nomail before going on vacations & check
 your subscription if you know your mail server has been down for any significa
 time period.

* Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella            xxxxxx@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US*
* Director, Technology Transfer & Contract Programs           *
* Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209  *
* Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *