Law Loan Forgiveness Givens Jackie (sponprog) 19 Aug 1996 12:21 EST

Last week I put out a request for any information available on "tuition
remission" programs for graduating law students.   Realized I meant to say
"loan forgiveness" programs for new lawyers going into public interest areas
like they have for nurses practicing in rural areas of need.  Probably
barking up a "nonexistent" tree.  Saw an article in Chronicle of Higher Ed a
week or two on the incredible loans law students incur, and the reality that
many are finding . . . . that public interest jobs (where their heart lies)
do not pay enough to enable them to pay back loans, and not starve.  Of
course, it may just be that they are unwilling to live with five people in
an apartment and share a car  for 10 years.  It's a harsh reality that may
get worse as federal and state supported public interest areas dry up.  Have
someone close to home in this predicament, but am also inquiring for our
pre-law students who may be facing same problem.  As I mentioned earlier,
there seems to be this idea "out there" that such a program exists, but no
one knows specifically "where."  Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Jacqueline Givens
Coordinator, Sponsored Programs
Kennesaw State University
1000 Chastain Road
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144-5591
Phone:  (770) 423-6036
FAX:  (770) 499-3263