Re: forms sharing Andrew Grant 14 Aug 1996 11:26 EST

I agree with Erin's comments about the expense large organizations would
incur with OmniForm and echo her appreciation for the work performed and
shared by TRAM, TEES, et al.  There are lots of small shops like mine,
however, that could use this program for forms that aren't available
elsewhere, such as those from NEH or any state and local forms for that
matter.  Getting the NEH forms on-screen saved me an enormous amount of work.

Martha, there's nothing formal.  I simply made an offer to share what I'd
done with anyone else who uses this program and would hope that others will
share their efforts as well.

Are the brownies from a mix, or a personal recipe?

Andrew J. Grant, Ph.D.
Director of Foundation and Corporate Relations
The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
3080 Broadway, New York, New York 10027
Voice: (212) 678-8934; FAX: (212) 678-8941
E-mail: (Andrew J. Grant)
Date: 08/14/96
Time: 09:26:41