Re: PLEASE No Test Messages
Barbara McKinley 07 Aug 1996 09:32 EST
Elizabeth - I think it might be better if the default was set for the
LISTSERV TO send the originator a copy of their own message. What does
anyone else think?
Barbara W. McKinley, Administrator
Division of Molecular Virology
Baylor College of Medicine
voice mail: 713-798-3154
fax: 713-798-5075
From: Research Administration Discussion Group
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: PLEASE No Test Messages
Date: Tuesday, August 06, 1996 5:12PM
Please do not post test messages to the list--these messages go to
900 + subscribers around the world. If you are unsure as to
whether your messages are getting through, you should set your
subscription to give you a copy of your own postings --the default
for this LISTSERV is to NOT send the originator a copy of their
own message. To set your subscription to receive copies of your
own postings, send the following command to the LISTSERVER (NOT TO
The command should appear on the first line of an email message with
no subject. Also, do not include any please, thank you or other
niceties--you are talking to a computer when you send mail to
the listserv--it could care less how polite you are ;-)
* Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella xxxxxx@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US*
* Director, Technology Transfer & Contract Programs *
* Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209 *
* Voice: (518) 431-1200 Fax: (518)431-1234 *