NSF's Small Grants for Exploratory Research Judy Fredenberg 22 Jul 1996 11:45 EST

Does anyone have current information about NSF's SGER program that could be
faxed to me at the number below?  (I cannot locate an electronic version;
however, if you have it electronically, that'd be great!)


 Judy Fredenberg
 Research Administration, UH116          email: xxxxxx@selway.umt.edu
 The University of Montana                    http://www.umt.edu/research
 Missoula, MT 59812              FTP: ftphost.umt.edu,  cd to: user/fred
 406-243-6670                                                    Fax:

                            Happiness consists in activity --
                    it is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.