Re: CAS Disclosure Statement Criteria
Louis Guin 12 Jul 1996 11:08 EST
Valerie, a more objective determinant is what your institution reports as
organized or sponsored research (add the direct and the indirect amounts) in
the annual financial report. From there, follow the same reporting rules to
carve out the Federally funded portions (direct and indirect amounts). Louis.
At 02:58 PM 7/11/96 -0500, you wrote:
>When determining whether your Federal award total has reached $25M and,
>therefore, if a CAS Disclosure Statement should be developed, what "award
>value" do you include in your total? For instance, if you receive a Federal
>three-year award for $3M to be incrementally funded at $1M/year over the
>three years, do you count the $3M as an award in the year the contract/grant
>begins and nothing for the next two years or do you count a $1M award each
>year for the three funded years of the grant? I've received different
>answers so why not solicit a few more! Thanks.
>Valerie Seaquist
>Assistant Research Administrator
> for Special Projects
>Office of Research Administration
Louis Guin, PhD
Assistant Vice President
Office of Financial Analysis
University of Southern California
Univ Gardens Bldg Suite 107, Los Angeles CA 90089-8002
(P) 213 743-2454
(F) 213 748-0871