Jo: Thought you would be interested in this. Have also sent to Jim Jaeger for
his information. Marjorie
In message <> Research
Administration Discussion Group
> This is an area where researchers know what should be done, but often allow
> the opposite to occur - due perhaps to general experiences from earlier
> years void of compliance intervention. I recall recently when the NRC
> (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) happened to have made one of their surprise
> appearances on campus - and the word was spreading rapidly through the
> system. Some lab groups were concerned about making sure their <foreign
> speaking> researchers in shorts and sandals did not meet up with the NRC
> officials because of the obvious breach of "safety clothing". The reality,
> however, is that if there are any findings, the whole institutional
> environment must make remedy and pay the consequences - which potentially
> affects even the majority of researchers who have been doing things
> correctly all along. ,,,,,,,,,,,gary
> Gary P. Naegel
> Administrator, Pharmacology
> Yale School of Medicine
> 333 Cedar Street P.O. 208066
> New Haven, CT 06520-8066
> (203) 785-4373
> (203) 785-7670 FAX
> ----------
> From: Research Administration Discussion Group
> To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
> Subject: Re: Dress Code
> Date: Thursday, June 27, 1996 6:49PM
> This one gave me a laugh. At Baylor College of Medicine, in the lab areas,
> if you're not breaking the law or the 'no shoes, no shirt, no service'
> convention, you're ok. I realize in a hospital, it's not a laughing
> matter, but we're quite relaxed.
> Barbara W. McKinley, Administrator
> Division of Molecular Virology
> Baylor College of Medicine
> ----------
> From: Research Administration Discussion Group
> To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
> Subject: Dress Code
> Date: Thursday, June 27, 1996 5:46PM
> Discussion of the day is Dress Code.
> If you have any type of dress code for research staff located at your
> institution, would you please fax or email me a copy. I am trying
> to do a balancing act between health and safety concerns and
> corporate standards.
> Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
> Thane
> ************************************************
> Thane J. Peterson
> Acting Director, Research
> The Evanston Hospital
> Research Office, G21 Burch
> 2650 Ridge Avenue
> Evanston, Illinois 60201
> 847.570.2192
> 847.570.2933 FAX
> ************************************************
Marjorie Forster
Director, OSPA
University of Maryland at Baltimore