Where do foundations fall at your institution?
Nancy Hutchinson 08 Jul 1996 15:20 EST
Forgive me if this message already posted to the list---
>Hello there fellow resadmin participants!
>I have a question and of course, would appreciate hearing from as many of
you as possible, as quickly as possible. Thanks in advance :)
>With regard to proposals submitted to *foundations and corporations (any
private sources for that matter)* for research, training, or community
service projects (ones that meet the definition of a sponsored
project)--what administrative office(s) within your institution is charged
with identifying and cultivating relationships with potential funding
sources and assisting faculty with proposal development (including budgets),
etc.? Do you have an Office of Development or Office for Institutional
Advancement that handles all proposals sumbitted to non-governmental
agencies and organizations? Or do these offices handle only gifts,
endowments, and capital campaigns?
>Do you also have an Office of Grants and Contracts/Extramural Research that
oversees the submission of proposals for research, training, and community
service projects to (public) local,
>state, or federal agencies and organizations?
>Do the two offices (Development/Institutional Advancement and Grants and
Contracts) work together in submitting proposals to private funding sources
and if so--does some type of working agreement exist stating which tasks
will be completed by which office? Or do *all* proposals
>submitted to external funding sources (regardless of type, size, reporting
req's, deliverables, or lack
>of such things) fall under the auspices/direction of ONE of the two offices.
>Any and all responses/comments are greatly appreciated; and if you are at
an institution where two offices exist and coordinate efforts depending on
the type of funding source and indeed have developed some type of working
agreement that is in place and would be willing to share it, my fax # is
(954) 236-4017 or email xxxxxx@nsu.acast.nova.edu.
>Thanks so much for your insight!
Nancy Hutchinson
Grant Development Specialist
Office of Grants and Contracts
Nova Southeastern University
email: xxxxxx@nsu.acast.nova.edu