dress code and other issues of concern Martha M. Taylor 02 Jul 1996 17:48 EST

Yea, Jan!

We live in an overly litigious society which is one reason many of us have
jobs.   I do not believe that we should trivialize anyone's question to
this forum.  Common sense should rule but the human race has never been
accused of using "too much common sense".

I am often hesitant to ask a question of the list for fear that it will
appear to be a dumb question or one which I could have answered myself had
I been more sophisticated in my profession or "used common sense".  Some
days, I am so swamped that I simply can not think and I just need help.
This list is the fastest and most widely available source for information
there is and as such should be open to all types of concerns of research

Martha M. Taylor,   Director               (334) 844-4438
Contracts and Grants Administration         FAX (334) 844-5953
307 Samford Hall
Auburn University,  AL  36849-5131