: Dress Code Naegel, Gary P. 28 Jun 1996 08:05 EST

This is an area where researchers know what should be done, but often allow
the opposite to occur - due perhaps to general experiences from earlier
years void of compliance intervention.  I recall recently when the NRC
(Nuclear Regulatory Commission) happened to have made one of their surprise
appearances on campus - and the word was spreading  rapidly through the
system.   Some lab groups were concerned about making sure their  <foreign
speaking> researchers in shorts and sandals did not meet up with the NRC
officials because of the obvious breach of "safety clothing".   The reality,
however, is that if there are any findings, the whole institutional
environment must make remedy and pay the consequences - which potentially
affects even the majority of researchers who have been doing things
correctly all along.          ,,,,,,,,,,,gary

Gary P. Naegel
Administrator, Pharmacology
Yale School of Medicine
333 Cedar Street  P.O. 208066
New Haven, CT  06520-8066
(203) 785-4373
(203) 785-7670  FAX

From: Research Administration Discussion Group
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: Re: Dress Code
Date: Thursday, June 27, 1996 6:49PM

This one gave me a laugh.  At Baylor College of Medicine, in the lab areas,
if you're not breaking the law or the 'no shoes, no shirt, no service'
convention,  you're ok.   I realize in a hospital, it's not a laughing
matter, but we're quite relaxed.

Barbara W. McKinley, Administrator
Division of Molecular Virology
Baylor College of Medicine

From: Research Administration Discussion Group
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Subject: Dress Code
Date: Thursday, June 27, 1996 5:46PM

Discussion of the day is Dress Code.

If you have any type of dress code for research staff located at your
institution, would you please fax or email me a copy.  I am trying
to do a balancing act between health and safety concerns and
corporate standards.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.


Thane J. Peterson
Acting Director, Research
The Evanston Hospital
Research Office, G21 Burch
2650 Ridge Avenue
Evanston, Illinois  60201

847.570.2933 FAX