Re: Policies on Treatment o Beth Fisher 11 Jun 1996 05:38 EST

 Subject:                                Time: 11:16 AM
 OFFICE MEMO          RE> Policies on Treatment of...           Date: 6/11/96

I received a copy of the guidelines directly from ORI because I had requested
it.  It was mentioned in the last ORI Newsletter dated March 1996.  You can
also find a copy of it on their home page at

The guidelines are to provide direction on how to protect whisleblowers and
are not part of the regulations per se.  The regulations state that institutes
are to establish policies & procedures that provide for "undertaking diligent
efforts to protect the positions and reputations of those persons who, in good
faith, make allegations."  The guidelines is one way of satisfying that

 We don't have formal written guidelines as part of our policy either, but it
looks like we need to.  I'd be interested in seeing other examples as well.
If anyone would like to share their guidelines on protecting whistleblowers,
please fax or mail a copy to me.   Thanks.

Beth Fisher, Research Administrator
Central Institute for the Deaf
818 S. Euclid Avenue
St. Louis, MO  63110
PH:  314-977-0271
FAX:  314-977-0030