Re-engineering vs. improvement Molly Daniel 24 May 1996 09:30 EST

 Thank you, Bill Kirby, for weighing in on the issue of re-engineering
 vs. improvement of institutions. I attended the same regional NCURA
 meeting where this was a central them of discussion, and I became
 "cranky" after the first session on re-engineering. Since I have spent
 the last four years working in Germany, I thought perhaps my
 perspective on re-engineering was soured by having missed out on the
 transition to downsizing that has occurred in the U.S. while I was
 gone. I was struggling to adjust my attitude, but still having visions
 of institutions populated by people with ideas, capabilities and
 ambitions and not solely by systems and happy terms like "CQI." Your
 remarks confirmed for me that there is still room for discussion on
 how and why change should occur.

 And the FastLane demonstration was fascinating! I'm impressed with the
 thought that has gone into designing a system which takes into account
 the need for individual AND institutional review of the information.
 Western Kentucky will send in its application for a PIN number ASAP.

     Molly Daniel
     Sponsored Programs Development Coordinator
     Western Kentucky University
     Bowling Green, KY