proposal review -Reply Gerald McCulloh 24 May 1996 09:19 EST

A central review office for approval of proposals to external funding
agencies allows: a single source of contact as required by some
agencies; uniform application of fringe benefit rates, job
descriptions, indirect cost computation on the same motified total
direct cost basis; consistent enforcement of requirements for
radiation safety, biohazard, animal use and human subject protection,
conflict of interest assurances; and commitment of institutional
match in funds or services as required for some proposals and gives
you a headstart on knowing what is suposed to be going on when
agencies send checks, requests for reports, modifications of terms
and termination notices with incomplete information on the
transaction. It provides a measure of confidence when auditors
appear, but other than that its a big drag explaining to people who
don't want to be bothered with the responsibility of being part of an
institution not debarred from receiving federal funds.