Re: Funding Newsletters Revisited Michael Ludwick 13 May 1996 09:45 EST


Very timely questions.  We have been debating many of the same questions
in our office.  We do a 10 page newsletter around 5 times a year
with some articles and notices of major grant programs.  I put ours on the
web too, and I've gotten emails from people in other states and countries
requesting information!

My current impression is that emailing them to faculty (either directly or
through Chairs) is the way to go.  So we clutter up some email boxs a few
times a year; all disgrunted faculty have to do is press "delete".  Most I
think would be happy to receive it via email and not have to take the
extra step to go it get off the web.

I am starting to think that the grant opportunites section is becoming
obsolete because I usually send announcements immediately via email to
faculty most likely to be interested after I see things in the Federal
Register or other pubications with grant notices.  I generally send these
individual announcments to Chairs who in most cases distribute them to
their faculty.  In our situation, being fairly a small school helps.

I look forward to more replies to your query.



 Michael Ludwick                                    / \
 Associate Director of Sponsored Programs ___  __   |o|   __  ___
 Grants and Research Administration    ___| |__||___| |___||__| |___
 College of William and Mary          /                             \
 P.O. Box 8795                       /   # # # # #  /o\  # # # # #   \
 Williamsburg, VA  23187-8795        |   # # # # # / # \ # # # # #   |
 email:           |   # # # # # |===| # # # # #   |
 phone: 804/221-3485                 |             | H |             |
 fax:   804/221-4910                 |_____________=====_____________|
