Re: Question on reporting
Nancy Hutchinson 02 May 1996 08:31 EST
At 09:59 AM 5/1/96 +0000, you wrote:
>thank you for the overview of responses that you received from your
>query on reporting structures. I thought I noticed an increasing
>trend to merge both financial and proposal development activities
>under "one roof" based on the responses I read quickly on the
>listserv. Is my impression accurate? Can you comment on the number
>that had $ and program under one chain of command.
>Kathleen L. Sukanek
>Associate Director of Research
>Office of Research
>University, MS 38677
> (601)232-7482
>Fax: (601)232-7577
Based on the responses, I believe that many mid-size institutions'
Office of Sponsored Programs/Grants and Contracts house both pre- and
post-award activities and provide services to faculty in both areas while
reporting to a VP/Provost of Academic Affairs or Research. In addition,
these offices and their directors work very closely with the Comptroller,
and/or Finance and Accounting. It seems that indirect cost negotiation, and
audit are handled by Finance and Accounting, while Office's of Sponsored
Programs that offer post-award services assist faculty with award
administration, moving budget, interpretation of agency rules, regs,
preparation of subcontracts, and prep of final reports (along with
finance) etc. Hope this clarifies it a bit. Let me know if you have any
other questions. Take care.
Nancy Hutchinson
Grant Development Specialist
Office of Grants and Contracts
Nova Southeastern University