Re: WebPage Sites - Approval Forms Jacquelyn.Krones@xxxxxx 01 May 1996 09:48 EST

I've been working on our form.  You fill it out on the Web and get back a
completed copy (we are using Adobe Acrobat to send back the completed
copy).  If you want to talk to me about this in detail, please call me.

Jacquelyn Krones
Research Information Manager
Arizona State University

(602) 965-6793

On Tue, 30 Apr 1996, Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:

> I'm in the process of adding documents to our Research Homepage.  I'm looking
> for a site that would have a Sponsored Projects Approval Form - Transmittal
> Form for Proposals that could be downloaded.  I'm having trouble with the
> because of fonts etc.  Does anyone know of a site that would have
> a format to look at.
> Thanks,
>  Eleanor Cicinsky
>  Sponsored Projects Admin
>  Temple University