Fo those wh do not have access to the Federal Register through the
Community of Science, there is a search engine at Purdue at the
following URL:
Lou Pellegrino
Purdue Research Foundation
> I just received a request from Counterpoint to re-sign with them for
> electronic access to the Federal Register, $375 a year. I believe there
> was a discussion on the list within the past few months of alternative
> sources to Counterpoint--but of course I wasn't paying much attention at
> the time. Can someone bring me up to date? Are there cheaper or free
> ways to get daily access electronically? Do they work as well as
> Counterpoint?
> Respond to me directly, if you like, and I'll post a summary of interesting
> responses.
> Bill Campbell
> Director, Grants & Research
> University of Wisconsin-River Falls